Friday, 25 February 2011

Changes from the story board

The film stuck to the story board, for the most part. However after getting to the location we saw an oppertunity to enahnce the story. The original story board did not include the betting shop as in hindsight we hadn't really thought about the story after the opening sequence. We then came up with the idea that the central character had a money problem and this was portrayed with the camera at first so it appeared that he had a gambling problem. This also meant we had a reason for the gangsters to appear, the small twist was that he doesn't have a gambling problem, he owes a gangster money and the gambling was his last hope of getting it back. Consequently we had the idea of the central characters girlfriend being abducted by the gangsters as we figured it would seem realistic and we also decided as a group we like films where the action happens immediately. The changes made the film opening more exciting, more realistic, easier to relate to and also added more connotations of the action genre; a damsel in distress.

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